Friday, October 24, 2008

Photos from Patrick...Heavy Carts and Filled Skies

Patrick sends us two intense images from China:

We must take the time to realize that with the changing FACE of China comes certain concerns, particularly environmental. Few would dispute the fact that China has a "right" to develop, to address the economic and basic needs of its people; however, development at the expense of the environment must be carefully scrutinized.

A second image explores a poignant scene of the people that make up the FACE of the evolving, changing China:

The streets of China are a mix of sights and smells. A loaded cart with two people pushing it and themselves in the fast pace of what we understand as the new FACE of China...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is the evolving FACE of China?

How has the "FACE" of China changed over time?

We can explore the past...

Amie Shao, "Heaven", June 2007

Are we concerned that it might be being covered up by the modern FACE of China...

Amie Shao, "Qianmen makeover", March 2007